Thursday, July 16, 2015

Meditation and 尺八

                                               The shakuhachi has had and continues to have so many different uses for each player. The Fuke sect of Buddhist monks in Japan used their playing for meditation and for playing while begging for alms. Eventually the shakuhachi was used for ensemble music and then in concert as a solo instrument. So many different ways it can be played and used. For myself, it has always been not only a relaxing way to unwind but also as a meditative tool. When I play, primarily by blowing the first two notes, Ro and Tsu, I'm transporting my mind and heart to my own meditative place. This calms me, helps me reflect and think. If not careful, can lull me to sleep.  it is part of my inner paradise and always helps me to think clearly as I contemplate life and love, the world and things around me. The benefits of meditation with the shakuhachi can be so valuable!

What do I think of when I play when meditating? Well, usually nothing. I know, it sounds strange as I just mentioned contemplation. And while I do have moments of that, most of the time I concentrate on breathing and of inner peace, silence. Just like any normal and regular meditative practice, this one uses the sound of the flute to bring one to a deeper place and makes it that much more of a beneficial thing. How?  Here the theories abound. Is it the drone of the low notes, or any notes in general? Or could it be the vibration of the flute when playing? Sure. Yes. And all of the above. They can all be part of the enhanced meditation one achieves when blowing Ro , or any other note.

The delightful thing about meditation is that it can be done almost anywhere, although I wouldn't encourage doing so when driving!. But I meditate all the time when running, walking and in a special place I have set up at home. This allows me to sit on my seiza bench and be more comfortable as I play.

                                                                             A good fifteen to thirty minutes of meditation time invigorates me, making me stronger in my resolve to be mindful and aware. Adding the 尺八 to the meditation only enhances this. Plus, it is never a bad thing to add practice time to breathing as well as blowing exercises. While I don't get to meditate daily, like I really should, any time devoted to it strengthens my mind and heart, making me a better person. Life has changed so much from the man I used to be a short eight years ago. And am I ever glad of the decisions I made back then.

                                                             Namaste  __/|\__

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